
Our Services


We are assisting or facilitating the growth and improvement of various aspects within an organization. This includes enhancing the capabilities and expertise of individuals & organizations, fostering better work processes, and optimizing available resources to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

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Our Activities:

  • Workshops on organizational capacity assessment of Oxfam entitled, ‘’Creating Spaces to Take Action on Violence Against Women and Girls: CAT4EVAWG Workshop’’ and “Capacity Assessment Tool 4 Gender Just Organizations’’.
  • Module Review and Development for the Project titled ‘Increased Resilience for Women through the Provision of WASH Services’ For Uttaran.
  • Conducted ‘Organizational Capacity assessment for selected CSOs both local and national on gender and DRR’ for ARROW, Malaysia and UN WOMEN in Bangladesh.
  • Module development and Training to approximately 751 management staff and 31 foreigners on Gender Based Violence for 6 factories with 26 batches.
  • Awareness training on 10 Child Rights Business principles conducted in factory for mid-level management, Staff, Worker’s representatives under ‘Better Business for Children (BB4C) partner’ Project for UNICEF Bangladesh.

Our Activities:

  • Together with CCR CSR, implemented Better Business for Children projects of UNICEF Bangladesh and Netherlands with 14 garments factories from 2018 to June 2020 with international brands, VF Asia, Hunkemuller, Fashion Globe Ltd., El Korte Ingles. Also, carried out supply chain mapping and onsite assessment for UNICEF Netherlands under Dutch funding.
  • Training to approximately 1200 – 1500 tier 1 and tier 2 factory management on Ethical Recruitment and Responsible Business for PRIMARK, Li & Fung, VF Asia, Kaufland.
  • Child Labor identification and developing remediation plan, Onsite factory assessment, Child labor Prevention and Remediation for C & A, PRIMEMARK, Li & Fung.
  • Training on “SRHR, Gender, Safeguarding measures and motivational speech about life and success” with adolescent boys & girls and Educo staff for Educo.


We help in training capable men and women by helping them develop necessary skills and work ethics to lead an organization. The ultimate goal is to prepare these individuals to take on leadership roles within an organization.

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Training Module/ Case Study Development:

  • Training Module on Feminist Climate Movement Building for Breaking the Silence & Oxfam.
  • Developed training module on Sexual Harassment at workplace and ToT for staff of for EL CORTE INGLES.
  • Facilitating Soft Skills and Carrier Capacity Building online training with person with disability for Access Bangladesh.
  • Conducted online training for Project Management, Case Story Development with different development practitioners.
  • Module development on Gender Based Violence for 6 factories 


  • Supply Chain Risk Management training & mapping (20 factories) for UNICEF Netherlands, Hunkemoller and Fashion Globe Ltd.
  • Training on “SRHR, Gender, Safeguarding measures and motivational speech about life and success” with adolescent boys & girls and Educo staff for Educo.
  • Training to approximately 1200 – 1500 tier 1 and tier 2 factory management on how to conduct worker’s interview as part of Ethical Recruitment and Responsible Business for Tier 1 and 2 where 500 mid-management staff from different brands like VF Asia, Primark, Li and Fung and others have joined.
  • “Virtual orientation: Building business resilience to manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic” for introducing the ILO Business Resilience Guide mainly with the Tier 2 and subcontracting factories (167) in Bangladesh under ILO Decent Work project in Asia Pacific.
  • “COVID-19 Awareness Raising Training for C & A Staff” to the C & A Sourcing regional staff in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India.
  • Awareness Raising training (TOT) at factories on CRBP, WASH (20 factories) under Better Business for Children Programme project of UNICEF.
  • The 3 days training for Staff members from different team across organization for HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL – Humanity  Inclusion (HI) on Advanced Level MS Office using customized Modules based on Need Assessment.
  • Facilitating training on Interpersonal Communication and maternal health for BRAC Public School of Health.
  • Training to approximately 751 management staff and 31 foreigners on Gender Based Violence for 6 factories with 26 batches.


We translate related works from other languages to our local ones in a single dialect for everyone to understand easily.

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Our Activities:

  • Provided simultaneous interpretation service for Multistakeholder dialogue trainings (4 events) for ‘Introducing an Employment Injury Insurance in Bangladesh's Apparel Sector’ project of GIZ.
  • Translation of Factory Improvement Toolset for ILO Decent work programme in Asia, ILO Bangkok, approx. 59 Toolset-ILO Bangkok.
  • Translation of COVID 19 Business resilience module for ILO Decent work programme, Bangkok-ILO Bangkok.
  • Employment Insurance Scheme- ILO Italy.
  • Official translator/proofreader (English to Bangla) for ‘Better work Bangladesh (BWB)’- ILO.
  • ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190)- ILO.
  • Translation of a number of Training module and PPTs on Introducing Employment Injury Insurance in Bangladesh- ILO.
  • Translation of a Training Manual on Tools and Methods for SDG Localisation- BUET.
  • Translation of Video toolkit- Li & Fung.

Our Activities:

  • Policy Brief: Urban resilience in Bangladesh: Integrating local and national planning processes – ICLEI South Asia.
  • Training Module on Community-Based Cyclone Early Warning System – BRAC.
  • Translation of IFC Project on Bangladesh Bank Circular on Refinance Scheme for Green Products/Initiatives/ Projects – IFC.
  • Translated the circular on “Approval for issuing non-convertible redeemable unsecured fixed coupon Bonds of BDT 6,000,000,000 through private placement for a term of five years by BRAC Bank Limited” – IFC.
  • Translate Bangladesh National Adolescent Strategy- Oxford Policy Management.
  • Training module on Youth Resilience Building- Save the Children.
  • Translation of Organization policy manual- Li & Fung.
  • SUDOKKHO: Series of Training modules for facilitators – 10 types of Modules- SWISS CONTACT.
  • Monitoring toolkit on Youth resilience building- Save the Children


We review and analyse existing national and international literatures. policies, articles etc. and develop policy guidelines. 

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  •  Mid-term review of the BDRCS Strategic Plan 2021-2025 for IFRC & BDRCS
  • Strategy on Advocacy Approach for the “Right to Education and Social Protection of Deprived Children for ASD.
  • National employment policy, national jobs strategy, national skills development policy for Future makers by Standard Chartered’ Project for Sightsavers
  • Review and update of existing Gender Policy and Guideline of BDRCS
  • Guideline for Employers on Inclusive Recruitment for the Informal Sector  by USAID Bijoyee Project for ACCESS
  • Module Development on  CPS, SEC, SRHR) for TDH Netherlands
  • Reviewed training manual on Interpersonal Communication for BBC Media in Action.


We provide high-quality chiropractic services for the whole family. We always try to maintain a highly organized treatment procedure for our patients

TVET Professional consultation workshop Pic 5

Baseline Study: 

  •  Promotion of Gender Justice in Bangladesh For BRAC
  • Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities through Community based Initiative (IPD-CI) for MJF
  • JTI CIEM WASH initiative for Habitat for Humanity
  • RMG Workers Access to Nutritious and Safe Food for GAIN
  • Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) Project for PLAN
  • ‘Collective Impact on Future of Work in Bangladesh’ Project for CARE
  • Survey & Disaster Ready Checklist Assessment 2023 for BDRCS
  • Means to Lead (M2L) project’ for Jago Nari Unnayan Sangstha (JNUS) & UN
  • Strengthening Resilience, Response and Recovery Capacity for Habitat for Humanity

Mid Term Evaluation: 

  • Comprehensive Eye Care in Barisal Division for Fred Hollows Foundation

  • PARIBARTAN project funded by Tearfund, Cedar fund, Interact for World Concern

Endline Study: 

  • ICT to reduce violence against women for Acid Survivors Foundation
  • Gender-Based Violence in the Garment Industry Christian Aid, SNV, BLAST, Naripokhkho
  • Promotion of Gender Justice in Bangladesh BRAC
  • ENDLINE SURVEY COORDINATOR of the project Growing Together! (GT) for HI
  • Strengthening Community Resilience to Disaster  for PLAN
  • Community-based protection and response mechanism in Rohingya & host-community in for Educo
  • CSO PVE Capacity Building in Bangladesh & Sri Lanka for HELVETAS
  • GNB CDPs 3 Community Development Projects (CDP) for GNB
  • Promoting Community-Driven EWS to Reduce Religious Freedom Violations for The Asia Foundation
  • The Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Program of BDRCS for IFRC/AmCross
  •  Strengthening perspectives for the future and the resilience of refugees and host communities for Caritas Germany 
  • Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) Project for PLAN
  • Community-based Mental Health Project for Children and Young people for ADD
  • Gender Transformative ‘Early Childhood Development
    for PLAN


We provide high-quality chiropractic services for the whole family. We always try to maintain a highly organized treatment procedure for our patients

young woman with learning language during online courses using netbook

Research : 

  • Understanding the vulnerabilities of Children with Disabilities for Save the Children 
  •  Perception of men & boys and current scenario of SGBV for BRAC
  • Disaster and Gendered Impact  towards Girl’s Education for PLAN
  • Women and Girls Leader in Bangladesh for British Council, MDF and CCD 
  • Participation of Rohingya and the Host Community People with Disabilities for CARE
  • Gender equality and social inclusion for Orbis International. 
  • Current working situation of women home-based industrial workers for KN
  • Feminist Climate Actions in the Coastal Zone for BTS and OXFAM
  • Unpaid care works: perspective of people for KN

Needs Assessment: 

  • Inclusive Rapid Need Assessment (RNA)’ for Amphan and evidence from the humanitarian response activities for CBM, CDD, DRRA, ADD

Gender Analysis: 

  • Gender analysis and update of existing Gender Policy and Guideline for BDRCS
  • Gender Analysis 2023 for Counterpart
  • Assess the gender mainstreaming at the country level for Orbis International
  • ‘Urban Green Graduation’ Program for Concern Worldwide, Irish Aid and CUP

Feasibility Study: 

  • Urban DRR PPP Project for  German Caritas
  • Voice and Leadership to Address Climate Change and Disaster Risk for JJS funded by KNH. 

Organizational Capacity Assessment: 

  • Organizational Capacity Assessment for OXFAM
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